Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah dah 7 hari tonsils membengkak. Mula-mula ingatkan sore throat biasa ja tapi kalau fikir-fikir balik typical sore throat takkan ambik masa lama camni. Mesti ada underlying cause. Call mama then she said, just go and make an appoinment with ENT specialist. OK mama, u are the best!
So, hari Rabu pergi la jumpa Dr Hassan dekat clinic dia dengan ditemani oleh Hajar, Ain and kak Amal. Conversation Dr-patient lebih kurang macam ni la ;
Dr. Hassan: ok Amirah, what's your complain?
Me: I feel pain in the throat for about 5-6 days, difficulty in swallowing, it bleed once and I thought it's just a normal sore throat which is clearly not :(
Dr. Hassan: ok, let me see it. open your mouth..(after a few seconds).. ok Amirah, u got ulcers on your tonsils and I think it's from viral infection. I have to do some procedures in order to treat it
Me: oo Ok then. Sure.
Dr buat cmni laa |
Then Dr pun ambik local anaesthesia (lidocaine) and spray it into my oral cavity which is really painful! the next minute rasa mcm kena cekik denga penjahat:( Dr ambik cotton swab and sapu sort of ubat dekat atas ulcers tu. Dr kata ulcers tu besar sangat and according to my friends memang besar pun =.='
tgk white patches tu.. lebih krg cam tu la :( |
Ok, lemme tell you what is this ulcers on the tonsil is all about medically;[read:tonsillitis]
Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils most commonly caused by viral(my type)or bacterial infection. Symptoms of tonsillitis include sore throat and fever (patut la hari tu demam ;P). While no treatment has been found to shorten the duration of viral tonsillitis, bacterial causes are treatable with antibiotics.
Common symptoms of tonsillitis include:
- red and/or swollen tonsils
- white or yellow patches on the tonsils
- tender, stiff, and/or swollen neck
- sore throat
- painful or difficult swallowing
- cough
- headache
- sore eyes
- body aches
- otalgia
- fever
- chills
- nasal congestions
The most common causes of tonsillitis are the common cold viruses (adenovirus, rhinovirus, influenza, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus). It can also be caused by Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, or HIV. The second most common causes are bacterial. The most common bacterial cause is Group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS), which causes strep throat.. Less common bacterial causes include: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, pertussis, Fusobacterium, diphtheria, syphilis, and gonorrhea.
Under normal circumstances, as viruses and bacteria enter the body through the nose and mouth, they are filtered in the tonsils.Within the tonsils, white blood cells of the immune system mount an attack that helps destroy the viruses or bacteria, and also causes inflammation and fever.The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding areas, causing inflammation of the pharynx. This is the area in the back of the throat that lies between the voice box and the tonsils.
Tonsillitis may be caused by Group A streptococcal bacteria resulting in strep throat.Viral tonsillitis may be caused by numerous viruses such as the Epstein-Barr virus(the cause of infectious mononucleosis) or adenovirus.
Sometimes, tonsillitis is caused by an infection of spirochaeta and trepanoma, in this case called Vincent's angina or Plaut-Vincent angina
Treatments to reduce the discomfort from tonsillitis symptoms include:
- pain relief, anti-inflammatory, fever reducing medications (acetaminophen, ibuprofen)
- sore throat relief (salt water gargle, lozenges, warm liquids)
my drugs :) tp tak makan pn |
Dr kata lagi jangan makan atau minum yang panas2, pedas, masam bla3. Kesimpulannya, kte sebagai manusia perlu bersyukur dengan nikmat sihat yang Allah dah bagi. Nabi Muhammad pun ada cakap pasal mensyukuri nikmat yang satu ni
Sabda Rasulallah s.a.w yang bermaksud :
" Rebutlah lima perkara sebelum datangnya lima perkara. Pertama : masa sihat sebelum sakit. Kedua : masa kaya sebelum datangnya masa sempit (miskin). Ketiga : masa lapang sebelum tiba masa sibuk. Keempat masa mudamu sebelum datang masa tua dan kelima masa hidup sebelum tiba masa mati."
(riwayat al-Hakim dan al-Baihaqi).
special thanks to my sayangs kak amal, hajar and ain yang sanggup teman eden ke clinic.. you guys are the best. muah muah
Ok, till then and take care always